March 22, 2020


School District Inquiries: to start a Master or General contract with us, please contact 408 735-7990 ex. 1, or Please note that we are an NPA and work with students age 14+.

Attorney Inquiries: we require a needs assessment and review of documents prior to accepting an engagement to ensure goodness of fit and we may not accept a case that has already been adjudicated. Please contact us early in the process, at 408 735-7990 ex. 1, or

  • Transition IEEs – our comprehensive transition IEEs are based on career/vocational assessments, needs assessment of independent living skills, client and parent interviews, and review of recent IEPs and psycho-educational assessments. Our plans highlight areas of need as well as a path forward for students, listing needed and suggested services, programs, and schools. 
  • Direct Student and Family Services – all of our services for individuals and families are available as contracted student services in the South Bay Area. Services may be made available in other locations for settlement cases. 
  • In-Service for Educators – we offer a variety of in-service trainings for educators, including working with autistic students, writing Transition Plans that work.
  • Settlement Agreements – we can work with students and their families whose funding comes from settlements. We ask that we are brought on to the process prior to adjudication as we have years of experience in how these programs best function over time.
EvoLibri is open and conducting coaching and therapy online. Contact us at (408) 735-7990